The thing that makes this kid nice is that he is spitting this while doing a beat that is VERY complicated while doing it with just your hands and two pens. Try it; you may find that it isn't as easy as you are trying to make it sound. And the rap, while not the best I have ever heard, was timed perfectly to his hand movements. You don't have to like the rap by itself, but if you were to try, you would find what he is doing is damn near impossible.....
Dienstag, 25. August 2009
1 Man Text and Beat (Lyric aka Lyrical God-Let the Beat Ride)
Bei Hornoxe finde ich gerade dieses Video. Der Kerl macht das ziemlich gut und dürfte als rar gesätes Talent gelten. Es ist ziemlich schwer den Beat mit den eigenen Händen und zwei Kugelschreibern zu machen und dazu noch zu rappen.